Q3. What chip should I use?

Q3. What chip should I use?

Q3. What chip should I use?

Q3. What chip should I use?

Aug 31, 2019

We have LF, HF and UHF chips with various memory and reading distance. If you are not sure, please inform our sales with project details.
Here are some commonly used chips and inlays for your reference:
1. LF (0-5cm): TK4100 (64 Bit), HitagS256 (256 Bit), EM4305 (512 Bit).
2. HF (0-15cm): N213 (144 Byte), F08 (1K Byte), IC SLIX (128 Byte).
3. UHF (1-10m): H3 (96 Bit), H3 H4 (96 Bit), Monza 4D ( 128 Bit).
4. Inlay: H3 9654, H3H4 9762, M4QT, M4E.
Chips are then mounted on different inlays (Antenna etched on PET layer) for achieving different reading distance and angles. Our sales will provide you the most suited inlay if not specified.
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